Innovating 2012 Results

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Board of Advisors and External Advisors

We made a distinction this year between Board of Advisor and External Advisor.

A Board of Advisor can take a term of 2 or 3 years once they have completed a term as external advisor.  This lets you know they are legit!  The commitments from BoA are expected attendance to quarterly meetings and participation in a mentorship program.

An External Advisor can be signed for any time length (under one year) to the end of the current Local Committee President's year.  They have optional attendance to the quarterly meetings, but serve as a strong touch point within the university, community or Alumni group.

Here are some documents to help with signing both:

Adjust as necessary to your local reality!

Plan and Track

To update on the previous "living documents" post, here are two templates to support successful year planning and performance tracking.

I prefer keeping a single soft copy of the year plan as an excel document, shared on dropbox with the rest of the team.  The formatting was just difficult to transfer to google documents.

The Performance Tracking document is a "must share" with everyone in your local committee.  Each member should feel ownership over the goals they are progressing towards.  Our talent management team is only measuring rewards and recognition from this performance document, so members will only be rewarded and recognized if they are keeping up with their own tracking.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Time Flies when you are Having Fun.

Okay! February filled up and flew by! I'm sure you will agree. Lesson learned, February is a peak month.

 I am heading to IberoAmerican Leadership Conference (ILC) in Santiago, Chile, next week so will be collecting ideas and drafting some posts to release near the end of March.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Go to International Conferences!

Yeah, it's a defining moment in your life.  The innovative part is removing barriers, creating incentives, overcoming academic and financial obstacles and leading by example.

Here is the link for the international conference newsletter:

I am aware of a few going on and would recommend some I have been to.  There are a wide range that happen in March, including WENA LDS, AFROXLDS, APXLDS, ILC, EUROXPRO, and more.

Most Registration deadlines are the end of January.  Round two registration deadlines open soon.


At our school, student levy funds are awarded to those who apply.  Laurier Arts students can use CICDA approval for receiving up to $800 to cover flights and conference fees:

Monday, January 23, 2012

Clever Dutch

Two dudes from the Netherlands, Chris van der Does and Oscar Santegoeds, pitched an awesome idea about our "Label".

How does a company who supports AIESEC promote us on their website?

If a company has an AIESEC Brand "Label" that is easy to understand, maybe their clients, customers, and other businesses will look us up. Maybe, companies will easily refer us to other companies. Maybe, we will become a first-choice partner as a result of our first-choice partners?

Check out this slide show:

Build Intrigue into your Culture

What causes questions, inspiration, and a lasting memory?


Student's will join you and your cause when they are genuinely intrigued, not when they are force-fed information. It is your passion and story that inspires people to get involved.

I challenge you to never talk about GIP, GCDP, TL, TM, OCP, CR, TM, OGX, CEED, NLDC, IC, LCP when you talk to an interested student. Just give them a next step.

Talk about your story, talk about our organization Values, talk about positive impact. We are unique from every other opportunity available to student's at this point in their life, and they will learn that through experience, not an information session.

Less is More, Simple is Best. Vijay Chaitanya, former Presdent of AIESEC in Slovakia, is a global leader in intrigue, reach out to him if you can find him.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Extend the Reach of Classroom Presentations

Why should HR capacity limit the spread of the message? If you focus on members attending lectures to do classroom presentations, you may only find a single open ear. Why not empower professors to do your work for you?

Most student's have a prof who they get along with, so why not have AIESEC members send out a request to profs to put up a few slides during your recruitment period. It won't replace a passionate in class presentation, but it extends the reach and brand awareness you can develop dramatically.

Here is a recruitment slideshow we tried: